Liquid Mirror connects collectors and estates with exceptional art. We specialise in the discreet acquisition and sale of Blue Chip Impressionist, Modern, and Contemporary works for private and corporate clients, ensuring absolute security and confidentiality. Through our exclusive network, we also source rare pieces unavailable on the open market.

Traditional fine art transactions often impose barriers. Liquid Mirror eliminates these, enabling direct owner-to-buyer sales with full transparency, backed by the latest Fine Art Market Data and seamless in-house legal compliance.

We honour the legacy of historical art while embracing contemporary talent. With a strong focus on Blue Chip artists, we also curate emerging voices, allowing collectors to expand their portfolios with confidence.

For acquisitions, visit our Art Collection Inventory and share your requirements with us below.

For Private Sales or expert collection management, you can also get in touch. We also offer a bespoke VIP Client Service for those seeking a more personalised experience for consigning larger collections with us.

Ars longa, vita brevis — Life is short, Art is long.