Liquid Mirror is an exclusive community designed to connect Artists, Estates, Collectors, and Innovators within the broader cultural landscape. We have established a unique tradition that defies the conventional norms of Fine Art.

While respecting historical Fine Art Pioneers, we embrace authenticity as the core of our cause. Rooted in the solid principles of the Blue Chip market and fuelled by Iconic Artists, we have crafted an Ecosystem that nurtures Emerging Artists and provides Art Collectors with a reliable platform to evolve their Collections. Our dedication to detailed Art Market Analysis and trajectory of Contemporary Art is at the heart of Liquid Mirror's approach.

We believe that power emanates from the heart of art - our Artists & Collection of Blue Chip Works serve as Vanguards of Societal & Historical Commentary; moving in tandem with the evolving pace of Contemporary Art and subsequent market.

Ars longa, Vita brevis ~ Life is short, Art is long. 

Welcome to Liquid Mirror.